Recent Proyects

Antonella Palumbo


Portfolio of the graphic designer Antonella Palumbo – Antopal. Developed for WordPress, with infite scroll and bootstrap

Atlas del Arte Precolombino Venezolano

Venezuela & Chile

El Atlas del Arte Precolombino Venezolano interactivo permite ubicar y conocer el pasado prehispánico de Venezuela a partir de su cerámica. Desarrollada para WordPress con bootstrap.

Micucci Arquitectos Asociados


Portfolio of the architecture firm Micucci Arquitectos Asociados.Developed for WordPress, with infite scroll and bootstrap

Crímenes sin castigo


News site specialized in crimes of the journalist Javier Mayorca. Developed for WordPress, with infinite scroll, bootstrap and sass

What clients says

Bio | <!-- wp:wp-bootstrap-blocks/row {"template":"custom"} -->
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<h1 class="wp-block-heading">Bio</h1>
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<p><strong>Daniel Viera</strong><br>born in Caracas, Venezuela.</p>
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<p><strong>Education:</strong><br>Architect.<br>Universidad Simón Bolívar, 1989.</p>
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<p><strong>Areas of expertise:</strong><br>HTML5, CSS3,  SaSS, WordPress, PHP, Photoshop, Illustrator, AfterEffects,  Sketch, Figma, Premier Rush</p>
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<p><strong>Work:<br></strong>UX/UI designer, HTML and WordPress design and development for over 20 years. APP design.</p>
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<p>Professor of web design, HTML, WordPress and web animation at "Centro de Diseño Digital", Caracas, Venezuela, from 2003 to 2018<br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a></p>
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<p><strong>Languages:</strong><br>Spanish and English.</p>
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Architect graduated from Universidad Simón Bolivar, freelance web designer and developer by trade, and teacher for over 20 years

I combine UX/UI design with web development, which makes me master both form and function, delivering the best results to my clients.




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